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Iam Mr.

A Tale About A Male


A Tale About A Male

We live in a world that most often glorifies or celebrates the man-hood with the adjectives like chivalry and alpha's based on sheer aspects of external strength, fashioned mannerism and testosterone levels. It is rarely, we come across fellow-creatures that identifies a man, as a man, for his hidden sacrifices, choices and individuality. In an era, where today we men, are as much supportive to the idea of feminism or even a LGBT acceptance, we ourselves are often looked down upon for reasons and incidences that we would never want to be a part of or even be associated with. But, sadly we will always be - history leaves that scar with us. Nevertheless, we, like every other gender, need to show the world or may be just get comforted for traits which are nowhere close to muscle bulks, patriarchy or libido.





Problem with us men is that we often shed our greens or say purple in India, with a mind-set : its should just be durable, be able to stuff much and get done with what its suppose to do. An easy-peasy way to deal with a purchase that’s a one-time go, or say more under-cover accessory. Bag, unlike women's purses and clutches has been a neglected segment and the ones that are there are mediocre enough to call it “old school”.


Dating Dare: How to live with a girlfriend if she is vegan ?


Dating Dare: How to live with a girlfriend if she is vegan ?

We live times when people learn to coexist in harmony by respecting each other’s lifestyle and mindset. By understanding another person’s intentions, we broaden our horizons and become better persons. It refers to every life aspect, including even our eating habits. Considering this, a problem of vegan/non-vegan couples is growing every day, as some people are intolerant of other’s lifestyle and aspire to change them. Do you have similar problems with your girlfriend? We are going to proof that dating a vegan and living together is 100% possible.

All you need is a bit more understanding and respect.


I am Mr. X Himalaya Men - Face & Beard Wash

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I am Mr. X Himalaya Men - Face & Beard Wash

Men's grooming segment is on an exponential growth. Market is flooding with only-men's products, from shampoos to beard oils to skin cares. And from what we see around, this market seems to grow, hopefully with a healthy competition and right choices for its consumers.

Himalaya recently segmented into MEN products. The range includes face-wash and similar products along with the new Face & Beard wash. It is no surprise to those men who daunt around with great facial hair and groom it right, that nowadays they have an ample choice to chisel their bristles.

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